Quick Reference: Building Cacti Network Monitoring

Author: Syamsudin M
Publisher: Bukudigital.net & Google Book Publisher
Published: 2014

Quick Reference: Building Cacti Network Monitoring

Cacti is one of Network Monitoring System application which widely used and quite popular as well as the next generation of MRTG. It is an open-source, web-based network monitoring and graphing tool designed as a front-end application. Cacti is also easier to use and it offers more flexibility than MRTG. We don’t need to spend money to buy the Cacti application. It’s zero dollars for sure. Simply download, inst all, configure and customize it.

This book will guide you how to do inst allation on Linux and Windows machines. How to do create graphs using (existing) templates even write scripts (perl and bash) to create template and graph and many more. My expectation is this book can help the beginner in building and applying Cacti for monitoring infra (network/system) in fast and efficient and simple way.

User Friday 12 February 2016 - 11:51 pm | | IT Books, default


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